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Advantages of Search Engine Marketing: Boost ROI and Targeted Reach

Search Engine Marketing. You've heard the phrase. Google Adwords has even seduced you. But how does it work?

Search engine marketing (SEM) is a cost-effective, easy way to gain exposure for your business. It's cheaper than paid social media ads unless you start going after highly competitive keywords. Very competitive keywords cost more. And that can be seen as one of the disadvantages of SEM. But if you need to catch up on dollars spent, then, by all means, go for those keywords.

Start by creating an online marketing strategy. And then, from there, you can market your business successfully without spending thousands on advertisements. When choosing search engine marketing as your business's online strategy, numerous advantages exist.

Looking at how consumers use the web, it's easy to see why search engine marketing (SEM) is a successful tool for acquiring new customers and enhancing brand awareness. SEM increases your website's visibility. Today's consumer is looking for product information and prices online before deciding where to take their business.

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Benefits of Search Engine Marketing

Honestly, Search engine marketing (SEM) is one of the oldest forms of advertising. SEM came before Facebook, Twitter, or even online banner adverts. And you can still do SEM today. But what are the benefits of search engine marketing compared to other forms of advertising?

  • Search engine marketing is lucrative and potent, but it's only for some. It can earn businesses significant amounts of money. At the same time, it can ruin a small business if calls to action are not appropriately implemented. Search engine marketing will work for any company, big or small. But only if they understand how it works and apply it to their websites.
  • Many people immediately think of SEO when they hear about search engine marketing. And while they share many of the same essential moving parts, there is still a difference. Today, we will dive into the benefits of SEM. This article will also look at the difference between SEM and SEO.

The difference between SEM and SEO

A few things are the same between search engine marketing (SEM) and optimization (SEO). For example, the search engine part. Both have to do with getting a good position on the search engine results page or SERP. But for each, you go about achieving this differently.

But what exactly is search engine marketing?

SEM is the fastest way to get to the top of Google. It is advertising using the pay-per-click methodology (PPC). It is where you are charged for every individual who visits your website by searching for what you are selling. Running an SEM campaign encompasses paid advertising with search engines. You must submit your company information to directories and look into link-building. SEM is one of the best ways to reach your target audience, as it gets you new customers and revenue for your business. Search Engine Marketing can be made possible through Google Adwords, Yahoo Search Marketing, or Microsoft adCenter.

The great news is search engines already serve millions of people every day. That makes search advertising a cost-effective way to target potential customers. It allows people to find your online business by searching based on what they are looking for. And then, the search engines would show the most relevant ads to that search. So let us say, for instance, that someone searches for the term "buy cars." You can show an ad that says "Buy Cars" or whatever you want to say to them. You need to get that ad at the top of Google search results.

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What is search engine optimization (SEO)?

Search engine optimization (SEO) is a process of improving a website's visibility. It ensures that your web page comes up in search engine results pages. In general, the earlier or higher you rank on the search results page, the better. The more frequently a site appears in the search results list, the more internet users it will receive, and these visitors could be your customer in the future. Then you have SEO. Your SEO tactics will be geared towards organic search. When you implement an SEO strategy, you ultimately rank at the top of the organic search results.

The various search engines use slightly different methods to determine the ranking of websites and web pages. But all of them use links as one of the essential components. The primary purpose of SEO is to improve the ranking of your website in search engines for keywords related to your business. You must look into your target search activities to find the right keywords.

You are increasing the website content's relevance to the words used in search terms. And you are also focusing on the website authority (also known as PageRank) and its reputation to help with this.

The following steps describe a general and logical flow for achieving good rankings with SEO:

  1. Keyword Research: First, we must choose keywords and phrases relevant to our target audience.
  2. On-page Optimization: Next, we must optimize our web pages based on these keywords. It includes HTML tags, titles, descriptions, image alt tags, and URL structure.
  3. Link Building: Once our site has been properly optimized, we can build links from other sites to ours. Use your targeted keywords in the anchor text where possible.
  4. Improve Your Site's Authority: Increase your site's authority by encouraging users to link to you. So you want to ensure your site loads quickly and make sure your site is stable and secure.

Benefits of search engine marketing (SEM)

As we have discussed, search engine marketing makes your website more prominent in online search engines. This form of internet marketing yields result for businesses of all sizes. And that's true whether you're selling a product or want a blog post to get more attention. Now let's look at some of the top benefits you can enjoy.

Be at the right place at the perfect time for users

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) is excellent for new businesses because it grabs your audience's attention at the right time. And what better time to grab their attention than when they're searching for what you offer?

Your ads will end up in the sponsored section of a search engine. That's above the organic results. So that's what people see first.

It's great for established businesses too! It allows you to target new customers looking for your product or service on search engines like Google, Yahoo, and Bing.

Search Engine Marketing (SEM) success depends on choosing the right keywords for your Google Ads. Another major factor that weighs into this is cost. It would help to decide how much you want to spend every time someone clicks on your ad. That is what is referred to as your cost per click or CPC.

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SEM is easy to measure

SEM is more straightforward to measure than other kinds of online advertising. That's because it's possible for companies to bid on some keywords and not others.

One of the best things about SEM is that you can run a test. For example, a business owner could set up a page with two different ads, using the exact copy but different landing pages. The company could then compare which ad led to more conversions. That could be either signing up for a newsletter or requesting a free consultation. You would measure how many times each ad was clicked by clicking on it. That gives one data point: they know which ad produced more clicks.

Plus, if they also measure how much they spent on each keyword, they can get three data points. They would know which ad produced more clicks per dollar spent. They would also have two conversion rates. One would be from click to newsletter signup. And the other would come from clicking to request a free consultation. Those numbers are essential when calculating a return on ad spend, or ROAS. The ROAS tells them how much value each dollar spent on SEM delivers in newsletter signups or consultations requested.

You can quickly implement SEM, and it's cost-efficient

One of the unique advantages of Search Engine Marketing is that you can begin to implement it quickly. You must take your time with the process of developing a brand or a reputation. But if your product has been around for a while and its importance is established, you can add SEM to your marketing plan without waiting.

Search engine marketing is one arm of digital marketing that does not require a considerable budget. When you are just starting, SEM is inexpensive. It is effortless to start with SEM if you are willing to make minor changes to your website.

Many newer marketers think Search Engine Marketing is hard to do or expensive. The truth is that if you have a website, it is super easy and cheap to get started. SEM might be more expensive if you still need to get a website. But the cost of getting started with SEM is still meager.

Search engine marketing generates revenue quickly

This is one of the most significant advantages of search engine marketing, especially compared to other forms of online advertising. SEO, for example, can take months or even years to generate any return on investment.

Advertisers using pay-per-click search engine marketing tools like Google AdWords or Yahoo! Search Marketing don't have to wait. You generate revenue as soon as a search engine user clicks on sponsored links or ads. SEM is a powerful tool to increase revenue whether you're doing it for yourself or running a marketing agency. Real-time statistics also make it easy for advertisers to optimize campaigns and bids to achieve the best results.

Search engine marketing can help you acquire new customers and increase sales without spending too much money upfront. The fact is that many search engine marketing techniques cost less than traditional forms of advertising, like direct mail.

You can ensure that you appear in local searches by using specific target keywords, geographic location, and demographic information with your ads. And this is an effective way to ensure that potential customers will see your message repeatedly. You will appear in the local search results every time they conduct online searches about your products. You can also specifically target mobile devices, desktops, etc.

For example, let's say you sell children's toys and clothing. You could target parents in your area who are researching their children's needs. All you need to do is to place ads next to the keywords they use in Google searches.

SEM gives you a competitive advantage

SEM gives you a competitive advantage. Think about an increase in your brand visibility. In a field with lots of competition, you can only make money by getting your marketing out to more people than anyone else can reach. SEM helps you do that.

A factory owner in the Industrial Revolution could easily out-compete a cottage industry. It's the same idea today. Modern businesses can leverage their resources to give them a solid competitive edge.

While having a great product is essential, you must recognize the benefits of search engine marketing. We all know it can get your website to the top of search engine rankings. But SEM also helps get your site linked to others already at the top. In effect, you get even more exposure.


It all boils down to understanding the power of search and knowing what takes you to the top of any search engine results. The reason people put up websites and run ads is to get traffic. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Do you want to be at the top of search engine results pages?
  • Do you want people to take notice of your business?

These SEM best practices can position you directly in front of your target market. In addition, when you already have an online presence like a website, your marketing efforts are more accessible. If the goal is to get your brand name out there fast, using paid ads is a great advantage. So feel free to include SEM ads in your marketing campaigns. But if you have some time to wait for organic traffic, you want to focus on SEO in your content marketing efforts. SEO is about long-term growth.

Now that you know the benefits of a successful SEM campaign, you can add it to your marketing mix, social media marketing, and all the others. That's a win-win situation. With this approach, you will soon start to see a better performance. And once you start getting more web traffic, seal the deal by creating an exceptional user experience on your landing page.

If you need help getting started and seeing results with SEM, talk to an expert at gardenpatch today. Our team is happy to work with you to develop a strategy that gets you to the of the SERPs in your industry. 

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